

  • [DOI] F. Reyes-Aviles, T. Gloor, and C. Arth, “Automatic Model-Based Stationing: Robust Total Station Localization Without Known Control Points,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 111, iss. 1, p. 35, 2025.
    author = {Fernando Reyes-Aviles and Thomas Gloor and Clemens Arth},
    date = {2025/03/01},
    date-added = {2025-03-02 18:06:33 +0100},
    date-modified = {2025-03-02 18:06:33 +0100},
    doi = {10.1007/s10846-025-02224-5},
    id = {Reyes-Aviles2025},
    isbn = {1573-0409},
    journal = {Journal of Intelligent \& Robotic Systems},
    number = {1},
    pages = {35},
    title = {Automatic Model-Based Stationing: Robust Total Station Localization Without Known Control Points},
    url = {},
    volume = {111},
    year = {2025},
    bdsk-url-1 = {}
  • C. Nickas, P. Fleck, T. Kernbauer, and C. Arth, “3D Depth Experience in VR from Monocular Video,” in 2025 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2025.
    Author = {Christoph Nickas and Philipp Fleck and Thomas Kernbauer and Clemens Arth},
    booktitle={2025 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)},
    title={3D Depth Experience in VR from Monocular Video},
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Tschulik, T. Kernbauer, P. Fleck, and C. Arth, “Spatial augmented reality for heavy machinery using laser projections,” Computers & Graphics, p. 104161, 2025.
    title = {Spatial augmented reality for heavy machinery using laser projections},
    journal = {Computers & Graphics},
    pages = {104161},
    year = {2025},
    issn = {0097-8493},
    doi = {},
    url = {},
    author = {Maximilian Tschulik and Thomas Kernbauer and Philipp Fleck and Clemens Arth},
    keywords = {Spatial augmented reality, Laser, Projector-camera system},
    Pdf = {}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. B. Heinemann, T. Kernbauer, P. Fleck, and C. Arth, “Spotlight Control for Real-Time Targeting,” International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), pp. 299-306, 2024.
    Title = {Spotlight Control for Real-Time Targeting},
    Journal = {International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG)},
    Author = {Mika Benjamin Heinemann and Thomas Kernbauer and Philipp Fleck and Clemens Arth},
    Pdf = {},
    Year = {2024},
    doi = {10.24132/CSRN.3401.32},
    Pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Stranner, P. Fleck, D. Schmalstieg, and C. Arth, “Instant Segmentation and Fitting of Excavations in Subsurface Utility Engineering,” Transactions on Vizualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), vol. 30, iss. 5, pp. 2319-2329, 2024.
    author={Marco Stranner and Philipp Fleck and Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens Arth},
    title={Instant Segmentation and Fitting of Excavations in Subsurface Utility Engineering},
    Pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Kernbauer, M. Tschulik, P. Fleck, and C. Arth, “Spatial Augmented Reality for Heavy Machinery using Laser Projections,” in 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2024.
    Author = {Thomas Kernbauer and Maximilian Tschulik and Philipp Fleck and Clemens Arth},
    booktitle={2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)},
    title={Spatial Augmented Reality for Heavy Machinery using Laser Projections},
    Pdf = {}
  • [PDF] T. Kernbauer, P. Fleck, and C. Arth, “PanoTherm: Panoramic Thermal Imaging for Object Detection and Tracking,” in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2024, pp. 98-109.
    author = {Thomas Kernbauer and Phillip Fleck and Clemens Arth},
    pages = {98-109},
    title = {PanoTherm: Panoramic Thermal Imaging for Object Detection and Tracking},
    booktitle = VISAPP,
    volume = {4},
    year = {2024},
    Pdf = {}


  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Reyes-Aviles, P. Fleck, D. Schmalstieg, and C. Arth, “Bag of World Anchors for Instant Large-Scale Localization,” Transactions on Vizualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2023.
    author={Reyes-Aviles, Fernando and Fleck, Philipp and Schmalstieg, Dieter and Arth, Clemens},
    title={Bag of World Anchors for Instant Large-Scale Localization},
    Pdf = {}


  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Reyes-Aviles, P. Fleck, D. Schmalstieg, and C. Arth, “Compact World Anchors: Registration Using Parametric Primitives as Scene Description,” Transactions on Vizualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), pp. 1-13, 2022.
    author={Reyes-Aviles, Fernando and Fleck, Philipp and Schmalstieg, Dieter and Arth, Clemens},
    title={Compact World Anchors: Registration Using Parametric Primitives as Scene Description},
    Pdf = {}
  • [DOI] P. Fleck, F. Reyes-Aviles, C. Pirchheim, C. Arth, and D. Schmalstieg, “Exploring Tele-Assistance for Cyber-Physical Systems with MAUI,” in Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Cham, 2022, p. 431–452.
    author="Fleck, Philipp
    and Reyes-Aviles, Fernando
    and Pirchheim, Christian
    and Arth, Clemens
    and Schmalstieg, Dieter",
    editor="Bouatouch, Kadi
    and de Sousa, A. Augusto
    and Chessa, Manuela
    and Paljic, Alexis
    and Kerren, Andreas
    and Hurter, Christophe
    and Farinella, Giovanni Maria
    and Radeva, Petia
    and Braz, Jose",
    title="Exploring Tele-Assistance for Cyber-Physical Systems with MAUI",
    booktitle="Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications",
    publisher="Springer International Publishing",
    abstract="In this paper we present an improved version of MAUI [9] (MAUI - Maintenance Assistance User Interface), extending the user-study, giving detailed insight into the implementations and introducing a new User-Interface for mobile use. MAUI is a novel take on tele-assisted tasks on cyber-physical systems. In its core we do not only provide real-time communication between workers and experts, but also allow an expert to have full control over the worker's user-interface.",
    Doi = {}


  • [PDF] [DOI] L. Hansen, P. Fleck, M. Stranner, D. Schmalstieg, and C. Arth, “Augmented Reality for Subsurface Utility Engineering, Revisited,” Transactions on Vizualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2021.
    selected = {1},
    author = {Lasse Hansen and Philipp Fleck and Marco Stranner and Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens Arth},
    title = {Augmented Reality for Subsurface Utility Engineering, Revisited},
    year = {2021},
    journal = TVCG,
    abstract = {Civil engineering is a primary domain for new augmented reality technologies. In this work, the area of subsurface utility engineering is revisited, and new methods tackling well-known, yet unsolved problems are presented. We describe our solution to the outdoor localization problem, which is deemed one of the most critical issues in outdoor augmented reality, proposing a novel, lightweight hardware platform to generate highly accurate position and orientation estimates in a global context. Furthermore, we present new approaches to drastically improve realism of outdoor data visualizations. First, a novel method to replace physical spraymarkings by indistinguishable virtual counterparts is described. Second, the visualization of 3D reconstructions of real excavations is presented, fusing seamlessly with the view onto the real environment. We demonstrate the power of these new methods on a set of different outdoor scenarios.},
    Pdf = {}
  • [PDF] C. Arth, “Augmented Reality in der Industrie – Chancen und Herausforderungen,” , Tagungsband Zukunftsfragen Baubetrieb 2021 ed., Vienna Technical University, 2021, p. 116–136.
    author = {Clemens Arth},
    title = {Augmented Reality in der Industrie - Chancen und Herausforderungen},
    chapter = {3.3},
    number = {1},
    pages = "116--136",
    year = {2021},
    edition = {Tagungsband Zukunftsfragen Baubetrieb 2021},
    month = {May},
    publisher = {Vienna Technical University},
    note = {ISBN 978-3-903311-24-4},
    Pdf = {}
  • [PDF] [DOI] R. Liu, J. Zhang, S. Chen, T. Yang, and C. Arth, “Accurate real-time visual SLAM combining building models and GPS for mobile robot,” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, vol. 18, iss. 2, p. 419–429, 2021.
    abstract = {This paper presents a novel 7 DOF (i.e., orientation, translation, and scale) visual simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM) system for mobile robots in outdoor environments. In the front end of this vSLAM system, a fast initialization method is designed for different vSLAM backbones, which upgrades the accuracy of trajectory and reconstruction of vSLAM with an absolute scale computed from depth maps generated by building blocks. In the back end of this vSLAM, we propose a nonlinear optimization mechanism throughout which multimodal data are combined for more robust optimization. The modality of building blocks in optimization can improve the tracking accuracy and the scale estimation. By integrating the pose estimated from visual information and the position received through GPS, the optimization further alleviates the drift. The experimental results prove that the proposed method is extremely suitable for outer AR application for outdoor environments, because our method has superior initialization performance, runs in real time, and achieves real scale, higher accuracy, and robustness.},
    author = {Liu, Ruyu and Zhang, Jianhua and Chen, Shengyong and Yang, Thomas and Arth, Clemens},
    da = {2021/04/01},
    date-added = {2022-01-24 11:46:51 +0100},
    date-modified = {2022-01-24 11:46:51 +0100},
    doi = {10.1007/s11554-020-00989-6},
    id = {Liu2021},
    isbn = {1861-8219},
    journal = {Journal of Real-Time Image Processing},
    number = {2},
    pages = {419--429},
    title = {Accurate real-time visual SLAM combining building models and GPS for mobile robot},
    ty = {JOUR},
    url = {},
    volume = {18},
    Pdf = {},
    year = {2021},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}


  • [PDF] P. Fleck, D. Schmalstieg, and C. Arth, “Creating IoT-ready XR-WebApps with Unity3D,” in Web3D, 2020, p. –.
    Author = {Philipp Fleck and Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens Arth},
    Booktitle = {Web3D},
    Date-Modified = {2020-10-05 14:33:54 +0200},
    Pages = {--},
    Title = {{C}reating {IoT}-ready {XR-WebApps} with {U}nity{3D}},
    Year = {2020},
    Pdf = {}
  • [PDF] P. Fleck, F. Reyes-Aviles, C. Pirchheim, C. Arth, and D. Schmalstieg, “Exploring Tele-Assistance for Cyber-Physical Systems with MAUI,” in Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics – Theory and Applications, 2020, p. –.
    Author = {Philipp Fleck and Fernando Reyes-Aviles and Christian Pirchheim and Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = {Computer {V}ision, {I}maging and {C}omputer {G}raphics -- {T}heory and {A}pplications},
    Date-Modified = {2020-10-05 14:33:54 +0200},
    Pages = {--},
    Title = {{E}xploring {T}ele-{A}ssistance for {C}yber-{P}hysical {S}ystems with {MAUI}},
    Year = {2020},
    Pdf = {}
  • [PDF] F. Karner, C. Gsaxner, A. Pepe, J. Li, P. Fleck, C. Arth, J. Wallner, and J. Egger, “Single-Shot Deep Volumetric Regression for Mobile Medical Augmented Reality,” in Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support and Clinical Image-Based Procedures, Cham, 2020, p. 64–74.
    author="Karner, Florian
    and Gsaxner, Christina
    and Pepe, Antonio
    and Li, Jianning
    and Fleck, Philipp
    and Arth, Clemens
    and Wallner, J{\"u}rgen
    and Egger, Jan",
    editor="Syeda-Mahmood, Tanveer
    and Drechsler, Klaus
    and Greenspan, Hayit
    and Madabhushi, Anant
    and Karargyris, Alexandros
    and Linguraru, Marius George
    and Oyarzun Laura, Cristina
    and Shekhar, Raj
    and Wesarg, Stefan
    and Gonz{\'a}lez Ballester, Miguel {\'A}ngel
    and Erdt, Marius",
    title="Single-Shot Deep Volumetric Regression for Mobile Medical Augmented Reality",
    booktitle="Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support and Clinical Image-Based Procedures",
    publisher="Springer International Publishing",
    Pdf = {},
  • [PDF] F. Reyes-Aviles, P. Fleck, D. Schmalstieg, and C. Arth, “Improving RGB Image Consistency for Depth-Camerabased Reconstruction through Image Warping,” International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), 2020.
    Title = {Improving RGB Image Consistency for Depth-Camerabased Reconstruction through Image Warping},
    Journal = {International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG)},
    Author = {Fernando Reyes-Aviles and Philipp Fleck and Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens Arth},
    Pdf = {},
    Year = {2020}
  • [PDF] M. Stapleton, D. Schmalstieg, C. Arth, and T. Gloor, “Learning Effective Sparse Sampling Strategies using Deep Active Sensing,” in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2020, p. –.
    Author = {Mehdi Stapleton and Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens Arth and Thomas Gloor},
    Booktitle = VISAPP,
    Date-Modified = {2020-06-15 14:34:39 +0200},
    Pages = {--},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Learning {E}ffective {S}parse {S}ampling {S}trategies using {D}eep {A}ctive {S}ensing},
    Year = {2020}}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Stranner, P. Fleck, D. Schmalstieg, and C. Arth, “A High-Precision Localization Device for Outdoor Augmented Reality,” in Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2019.
    Author = {Marco Stranner and Philipp Fleck and Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens Arth},
    Booktitle = {Int. {S}ymposium on {M}ixed and {A}ugmented {R}eality ({ISMAR})},
    Date-Added = {2019-08-07 10:42:35 +0000},
    Doi = {10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct.2019.00025},
    Date-Modified = {2019-08-07 10:43:32 +0000},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {A High-Precision Localization Device for Outdoor Augmented Reality},
    Year = {2019}}
  • [PDF] [DOI] R. Liu, J. Zhang, S. Chen, and C. Arth, “Towards SLAM-based Outdoor Localization using Poor GPS and 2.5D Building Models,” in Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2019.
    Author = {Ruyu Liu and Jianhua Zhang and Shengyong Chen and Clemens Arth},
    Booktitle = {Int. {S}ymposium on {M}ixed and {A}ugmented {R}eality ({ISMAR})},
    Date-Added = {2019-08-07 10:40:11 +0000},
    Date-Modified = {2019-08-07 10:43:37 +0000},
    Doi = {},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Towards SLAM-based Outdoor Localization using Poor GPS and 2.5D Building Models},
    Year = {2019}}
  • [PDF] C. Klug, D. Schmalstieg, T. Gloor, and C. Arth, “On Using 3D Support Geometries for Measuring Human-Made Corner Structures with a Robotic Total Station,” in Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics – Theory and Applications, 2019, p. 352–374.
    Author = {Klug, Christoph and Schmalstieg, Dieter and Gloor, Thomas and Arth, Clemens},
    Booktitle = {Computer {V}ision, {I}maging and {C}omputer {G}raphics -- {T}heory and {A}pplications},
    Isbn = {978-3-030-12209-6},
    Pages = {352--374},
    Pdf = {},
    Publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
    Title = {On {U}sing {3D} {S}upport {G}eometries for {M}easuring {H}uman-{M}ade {C}orner {S}tructures with a {R}obotic {T}otal {S}tation},
    Year = {2019}}


  • [PDF] A. Stanescu, P. Fleck, D. Schmalstieg, and C. Arth, “Semantic Segmentation of Geometric Primitives in Dense 3D Point Clouds,” in Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2018.
    Author = {Ana Stanescu and Philipp Fleck and Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens Arth},
    Booktitle = ISMAR,
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Semantic Segmentation of Geometric Primitives in Dense 3D Point Clouds},
    Year = 2018}
  • [PDF] M. Höll, M. Oberweger, C. Arth, and V. Lepetit, “Efficient Physics-Based Implementation for Realistic Hand-Object Interaction in Virtual Reality,” in IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR), 2018.
    Author = {Markus H{\"o}ll and Markus Oberweger and Clemens Arth and Vincent Lepetit},
    Booktitle = VR,
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Efficient Physics-Based Implementation for Realistic Hand-Object Interaction in Virtual Reality},
    Year = 2018}
  • [PDF] R. Roberto, J. P. Lima, H. Uchiyama, C. Arth, V. Teichrieb, R. Taniguchi, and D. Schmalstieg, “Incremental Structural Modeling Based on Geometric and Statistical Analyses,” in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2018, p. –.
    Author = {Rafael Roberto and Jo\~{a}o Paulo Lima and Hideaki Uchiyama and Clemens Arth and Veronica Teichrieb and Rin-ichiro Taniguchi and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = WACV,
    Pages = {--},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Incremental {S}tructural {M}odeling {B}ased on {G}eometric and {S}tatistical {A}nalyses},
    Year = {2018}}
  • [PDF] C. Klug, C. Arth, D. Schmalstieg, and T. Gloor, “Measurement Uncertainty Analysis of a Robotic Total Station Simulation,” in IECON Proc. (Industrial Electron. Conf.), 2018.
    Author = {Klug, Christoph and Arth, Clemens and Schmalstieg, Dieter and Gloor, Thomas},
    Booktitle = {IECON Proc. (Industrial Electron. Conf.)},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Measurement Uncertainty Analysis of a Robotic Total Station Simulation},
    Year = {2018}}
  • [PDF] C. Klug, D. and Schmalstieg, T. Gloor, and C. Arth, “A Complete Workfow for Automatic Forward Kinematics Model Extraction of Robotic Total Stations Using the Denavit-Hartenberg Convention,” in IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2018.
    Author = {Klug, Christoph and and Schmalstieg, Dieter and Gloor, Thomas and Arth, Clemens},
    Booktitle = {IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {A Complete Workfow for Automatic Forward Kinematics Model Extraction of Robotic Total Stations Using the Denavit-Hartenberg Convention},
    Year = {2018}}
  • [PDF] C. Klug, C. Arth, D. Schmalstieg, and T. Gloor, “Semi-Automatic Registration of a Robotic Total Station and a CAD Model Without Control Points,” in IECON Proc. (Industrial Electron. Conf.), 2018.
    Author = {Klug, Christoph and Arth, Clemens and Schmalstieg, Dieter and Gloor, Thomas},
    Booktitle = {IECON Proc. (Industrial Electron. Conf.)},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Semi-Automatic Registration of a Robotic Total Station and a CAD Model Without Control Points},
    Year = {2018}}


  • [PDF] C. Klug, D. Schmalstieg, and C. Arth, “Measuring Human-made Corner Structures With a Robotic Total Station using Support Points, Lines and Planes,” in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2017, p. –.
    Author = {Christoph Klug and Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens Arth},
    Booktitle = VISAPP,
    Pages = {--},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Measuring {H}uman-made {C}orner Structures {W}ith a {R}obotic {T}otal {S}tation using {S}upport {P}oints, {L}ines and {P}lanes},
    Year = {2017}}
  • [PDF] M. Hirzer, C. Arth, P. M. Roth, and V. Lepetit, “Efficient 3D Tracking in Urban Environments with Semantic Segmentation,” in British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2017, p. –.
    Author = {Martin Hirzer and Clemens Arth and Peter M. Roth and Vincent Lepetit},
    Booktitle = BMVC,
    Pages = {--},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Efficient 3D Tracking in Urban Environments with Semantic Segmentation},
    Year = {2017}}


  • [PDF] P. Fleck, C. Arth, and D. Schmalstieg, “Scalable Mobile Image Recognition for Real-Time Video Annotation,” in Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2016, p. –.
    Author = {Philipp Fleck and Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = ISMAR,
    Pages = {--},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Scalable {M}obile {I}mage {R}ecognition for {R}eal-{T}ime {V}ideo {A}nnotation},
    Year = {2016}}
  • [PDF] P. Fleck, D. Schmalstieg, and C. Arth, “Visionary Collaborative Outdoor Reconstruction using SLAM and SfM,” in Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS) @ IEEE VR, 2016, p. –.
    Author = {Philipp Fleck and Dieter Schmalstieg and Clemens Arth},
    Booktitle = {Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS) @ IEEE VR},
    Pages = {--},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Visionary Collaborative Outdoor Reconstruction using SLAM and SfM},
    Year = {2016}}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. D. Hartl, C. Arth, J. Grubert, and D. Schmalstieg, “Efficient Verification of Holograms Using Mobile Augmented Reality,” Transactions on Vizualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), vol. 22, iss. 7, p. 1843–1851, 2016.
    Author = {Andreas Daniel Hartl and Clemens Arth and Jens Grubert and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,},
    Biburl = {},
    Doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2015.2498612},
    Journal = TVCG,
    Number = {7},
    Pages = {1843--1851},
    Pdf = {},
    Timestamp = {Thu, 09 Jun 2016 13:33:34 +0200},
    Title = {Efficient Verification of Holograms Using Mobile Augmented Reality},
    Url = {},
    Volume = {22},
    Year = {2016},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}


  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Arth, C. Pirchheim, J. Ventura, D. Schmalstieg, and V. Lepetit, “Instant Outdoor Localization and SLAM Initialization from 2.5D Maps,” IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., vol. 21, iss. 11, p. 1309–1318, 2015.
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Christian Pirchheim and Jonathan Ventura and Dieter Schmalstieg and Vincent Lepetit},
    Doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2015.2459772},
    Journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.},
    Number = {11},
    Pages = {1309--1318},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Instant Outdoor Localization and {SLAM} Initialization from 2.5D Maps},
    Url = {},
    Volume = {21},
    Year = {2015},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {},
    Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
  • [PDF] P. Fleck, C. Arth, C. Pirchheim, and D. Schmalstieg, “Tracking and Mapping with a Swarm of Heterogeneous Clients,” in Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2015, pp. 136-139.
    Author = {Philipp Fleck and Clemens Arth and Christian Pirchheim and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = ISMAR,
    Pages = {136-139},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Tracking and {M}apping with a {S}warm of {H}eterogeneous {C}lients},
    Year = {2015}}
  • [PDF] C. Poglitsch, C. Arth, D. Schmalstieg, and J. Ventura, “A Particle Filter Approach to Outdoor Localization using Image-based Rendering,” in Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2015, pp. 132-135.
    Author = {Christian Poglitsch and Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg and Jonathan Ventura},
    Booktitle = ISMAR,
    Pages = {132-135},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {A {P}article {F}ilter {A}pproach to {O}utdoor {L}ocalization using {I}mage-based {R}endering},
    Year = {2015}}
  • [PDF] C. Arth, R. Grasset, L. Gruber, T. Langlotz, A. Mulloni, and D. Wagner, “The History of Mobile AR,” Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG), Graz University of Technology, 2015-001, 2015.
    Archiveprefix = {arXiv},
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Raphael Grasset and Lukas Gruber and Tobias Langlotz and Alessandro Mulloni and Daniel Wagner},
    Eprint = {1505.01319},
    Institution = {Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG), Graz University of Technology},
    Month = {April},
    Number = {2015-001},
    Pdf = {},
    Primaryclass = {cs.HC},
    Title = {The {H}istory of {M}obile {AR}},
    Url = {},
    Year = {2015},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
  • [PDF] C. Arth, C. Pirchheim, J. Ventura, and V. Lepetit, Global 6DOF Pose Estimation from Untextured 2D City Models, 2015.
    Archiveprefix = {arXiv},
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Christian Pirchheim and Jonathan Ventura and Vincent Lepetit},
    Eprint = {1503.02675},
    Institution = {Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG), Graz University of Technology},
    Month = {February},
    Pdf = {},
    Primaryclass = {cs.CV},
    Title = {Global {6DOF} {P}ose {E}stimation from {U}ntextured {2D} {C}ity {M}odels},
    Url = {},
    Year = {2015},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
  • [PDF] A. Hartl, C. Arth, and D. Schmalstieg, “Real-time Detection and Recognition of Machine-Readable Zones with Mobile Devices,” in International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2015.
    Author = {Andreas Hartl and Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = VISAPP,
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Real-time Detection and Recognition of Machine-Readable Zones with Mobile Devices},
    Year = {2015}}
  • [PDF] A. Hartl, J. Grubert, C. Reinbacher, C. Arth, and D. Schmalstieg, “Mobile User Interfaces for Efficient Verification of Holograms,” in IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR), 2015.
    Author = {Andreas Hartl and Jens Grubert and Christian Reinbacher and Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = VR,
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Mobile User Interfaces for Efficient Verification of Holograms},
    Year = {2015}}
  • [PDF] A. Hartl, A. Isop, C. Arth, and D. Schmalstieg, “Towards Mobile Recognition and Verification of Holograms using Orthogonal Sampling,” in International Workshop on Visual Recognition and Retrieval for Mixed and Augmented Reality (VRRMAR), held in conjunction with ISMAR, 2015, p. to appear.
    Author = {Andreas Hartl and Alexander Isop and Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = {International Workshop on Visual Recognition and Retrieval for Mixed and Augmented Reality (VRRMAR), held in conjunction with ISMAR},
    Pages = {to appear},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Towards Mobile Recognition and Verification of Holograms using Orthogonal Sampling},
    Year = {2015}}
  • [PDF] J. Ventura, C. Arth, and V. Lepetit, “An Efficient Minimal Solution for Multi-Camera Motion,” in IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, p. –.
    Author = {Jonathan Ventura and Clemens Arth and Vincent Lepetit},
    Booktitle = ICCV,
    Pages = {--},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {An {E}fficient {M}inimal {S}olution for {M}ulti-{C}amera {M}otion},
    Year = 2015}


  • [PDF] A. Hartl, C. Arth, and D. Schmalstieg, “AR-based Hologram Detection on Security Documents using a Mobile Phone,” in International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2014.
    Author = {Andreas Hartl and Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = {International {S}ymposium on {V}isual {C}omputing},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {{AR}-based {H}ologram {D}etection on {S}ecurity {D}ocuments using a {M}obile {P}hone},
    Year = {2014}}
  • [PDF] J. Ventura, C. Arth, and V. Lepetit, “Approximated Relative Pose Solvers for Efficient Camera Motion Estimation,” in Workshop on Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology, held in conjunction with ECCV, 2014.
    Author = {Jonathan Ventura and Clemens Arth and Vincent Lepetit},
    Booktitle = {Workshop on {C}omputer {V}ision in {V}ehicle {T}echnology, held in conjunction with {ECCV}},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Approximated Relative Pose Solvers for Efficient Camera Motion Estimation},
    Year = 2014}
  • [PDF] J. Ventura, C. Arth, G. Reitmayr, and D. Schmalstieg, “A Minimal Solution to the Generalized Pose-and-Scale Problem,” in IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014.
    Author = {Jonathan Ventura and Clemens Arth and Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = CVPR,
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {A Minimal Solution to the Generalized Pose-and-Scale Problem},
    Year = 2014}
  • [PDF] J. Ventura, C. Arth, G. Reitmayr, and D. Schmalstieg, “Global Localization from Monocular SLAM on a Mobile Phone,” in IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR), 2014.
    Author = {Jonathan Ventura and Clemens Arth and Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = VR,
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Global Localization from Monocular SLAM on a Mobile Phone},
    Year = 2014}


  • [PDF] G. Reinisch, C. Arth, and D. Schmalstieg, “Panoramic Mapping on a Mobile Phone GPU,” in Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2013.
    Author = {Georg Reinisch and Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = ISMAR,
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Panoramic Mapping on a Mobile Phone GPU},
    Year = 2013}
  • [PDF] G. Reinisch and C. Arth, “Panoramic Mapping on Mobile Phone GPUs,” in Proceedings of CESCG 2013: The 17th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (non-peer-reviewed), 2013.
    Author = {Georg Reinisch and Clemens Arth},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of {CESCG} 2013: The 17th {C}entral {E}uropean {S}eminar on {C}omputer {G}raphics (non-peer-reviewed)},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Panoramic Mapping on Mobile Phone GPUs},
    Year = 2013}
  • [PDF] C. Arth, J. Ventura, and D. Schmalstieg, “Geospatial Management and Utilization of Large-Scale Urban Visual Reconstructions,” in The 4th International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research & Application (COM.Geo 2013), 2013.
    Author = {  Clemens Arth and Jonathan Ventura and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = {The 4th {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}omputing for {G}eospatial {R}esearch \& {A}pplication ({COM.G}eo 2013)},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Geospatial Management and Utilization of Large-Scale Urban Visual Reconstructions},
    Year = 2013}


  • [PDF] C. Arth, G. Reitmayr, and D. Schmalstieg, “Full 6DOF Pose Estimation from Geo-Located Images,” in Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2012.
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Gerhard Reitmayr and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = ACCV,
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Full {6DOF} {P}ose {E}stimation from {G}eo-{L}ocated {I}mages},
    Year = 2012}
  • [PDF] C. Arth, A. Mulloni, and D. Schmalstieg, “Exploiting Sensors on Mobile Phones to Improve Wide-Area Localization,” in Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2012.
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Alessandro Mulloni and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = ICPR,
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Exploiting {S}ensors on {M}obile {P}hones to {I}mprove {W}ide-{A}rea {L}ocalization},
    Year = 2012}


  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Arth, M. Klopschitz, G. Reitmayr, and D. Schmalstieg, “Real-Time Self-Localization from Panoramic Images on Mobile Devices,” in Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2011, p. 37–46.
    Author = {Arth, Clemens and Klopschitz, Manfred and Reitmayr, Gerhard and Schmalstieg, Dieter},
    Booktitle = ISMAR,
    Doi = {10.1109/ISMAR.2011.6092368},
    Isbn = {978-1-4244-5390-0},
    Pages = {37--46},
    Pdf = { - Arth - Real-Time Self-Localization from Panoramic Images.pdf},
    Title = {Real-{T}ime {S}elf-{L}ocalization from {P}anoramic {I}mages on {M}obile {D}evices},
    Year = {2011},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
  • [PDF] [DOI] Q. Pan, C. Arth, E. Rosten, G. Reitmayr, and T. Drummond, “Rapid Scene Reconstruction on Mobile Phones from Panoramic Images,” in Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Washington, DC, USA, 2011, p. 55–64.
    Acmid = {2120231},
    Address = {Washington, DC, USA},
    Author = {Pan, Qi and Arth, Clemens and Rosten, Edward and Reitmayr, Gerhard and Drummond, Tom},
    Booktitle = ISMAR,
    Doi = {10.1109/ISMAR.2011.6092370},
    Isbn = {978-1-4577-2183-0},
    Numpages = {10},
    Pages = {55--64},
    Pdf = {},
    Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
    Title = {Rapid {S}cene {R}econstruction on {M}obile {P}hones from {P}anoramic {I}mages},
    Url = {},
    Year = {2011},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
  • [PDF] A. Hartl, L. Gruber, C. Arth, S. Hauswiesner, and D. Schmalstieg, “Rapid Reconstruction of Small Objects on Mobile Phones,” in Proceedings of the 7rd Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision , IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2011, p. 20–27.
    Author = {Andreas Hartl and Lukas Gruber and Clemens Arth and Stefan Hauswiesner and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7rd {W}orkshop on {E}mbedded {C}omputer {V}ision , {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}omputer {V}ision and {P}attern {R}ecognition},
    Pages = {20--27},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Rapid {R}econstruction of {S}mall {O}bjects on {M}obile {P}hones},
    Year = {2011}}
  • [PDF] A. Hartl, C. Arth, and D. Schmalstieg, “Instant Medical Pill Recognition on Mobile Phones,” in IASTED Int. Conference on Computer Vision, 2011, p. 188–195.
    Author = {Andreas Hartl and Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = {{IASTED} {I}nt. {C}onference on {C}omputer {V}ision},
    Pages = {188--195},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Instant {M}edical {P}ill {R}ecognition on {M}obile {P}hones},
    Year = {2011}}
  • [PDF] C. Arth and D. Schmalstieg, “Challenges of Large-Scale Augmented Reality on Smartphones,” in Workshop on Enabling Large-Scale Outdoor Mixed Reality and Augmented Reality, held in conjunction with ISMAR, 2011.
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = {Workshop on {E}nabling {L}arge-{S}cale {O}utdoor {M}ixed {R}eality and {A}ugmented {R}eality, held in conjunction with {ISMAR}},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Challenges of {L}arge-{S}cale {A}ugmented {R}eality on {S}martphones},
    Year = 2011}


  • [PDF] A. Hartl, C. Arth, and D. Schmalstieg, “Instant Segmentation and Feature Extraction for Recognition of Simple Objects on Mobile Phones,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Vision (IWMV) , IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010.
    Author = {Andreas Hartl and Clemens Arth and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {M}obile {V}ision ({IWMV}) , {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}omputer {V}ision and {P}attern {R}ecognition},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Instant {S}egmentation and {F}eature {E}xtraction for {R}ecognition of {S}imple {O}bjects on {M}obile {P}hones},
    Year = {2010}}


  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Arth, D. Wagner, M. Klopschitz, A. Irschara, and D. Schmalstieg, “Wide Area Localization on Mobile Phones,” in Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2009, p. 73–82.
    Author = {Arth, Clemens and Daniel Wagner and Manfred Klopschitz and Arnold Irschara and Dieter Schmalstieg},
    Booktitle = ISMAR,
    Doi = {10.1109/ISMAR.2009.5336494},
    Isbn = {978-1-4244-5390-0},
    Pages = {73--82},
    Pdf = {},
    Title = {Wide {A}rea {L}ocalization on {M}obile {P}hones},
    Year = {2009},
    Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}


  • [PDF] C. Arth, “Visual Surveillance on DSP-Based Embedded Platforms,” PhD Thesis, 2008.
    Author = {Clemens Arth},
    Month = {March},
    Owner = {clemens},
    Pdf = {},
    School = {Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz Technical University, Austria},
    Timestamp = {2008.05.20},
    Title = {Visual Surveillance on DSP-Based Embedded Platforms},
    Year = {2008}}
  • C. Arth and H. Bischof, “Real-Time Object Recognition using Local Features on a DSP-based Embedded System,” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (RTIP), vol. 2, pp. 233-253, 2008.
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Horst Bischof},
    Journal = {Journal of {R}eal-{T}ime {I}mage {P}rocessing ({RTIP})},
    Owner = {root},
    Pages = {233-253},
    Publisher = {Springer},
    Timestamp = {2007.06.26},
    Title = {Real-{T}ime {O}bject {R}ecognition using {L}ocal {F}eatures on a {DSP}-based {E}mbedded {S}ystem},
    Volume = {2},
    Year = {2008}}
  • C. Arth, C. Leistner, and H. Bischof, “Embedded Computer Vision,” , B. Kisacanin, S. S. Bhattacharyya, and S. Chai, Eds., Springer, 2008, p. (79–100).
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Christian Leistner and Horst Bischof},
    Chapter = {4 (Using Robust Local Features on DSP-based Embedded Systems)},
    Editor = {Branislav Kisacanin and Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya and Sek Chai},
    Owner = {clemens},
    Pages = {(79--100)},
    Publisher = {Springer},
    Timestamp = {2008.05.20},
    Title = {Embedded {C}omputer {V}ision},
    Year = {2008}}


  • [PDF] C. Arth, C. Leistner, and H. Bischof, “Robust Local Features and their Application in Self-Calibration and Object Recognition on Embedded Systems,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision , IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition – BEST PAPER AWARD, 2007.
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Christian Leistner and Horst Bischof},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd {W}orkshop on {E}mbedded {C}omputer {V}ision , {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}omputer {V}ision and {P}attern {R}ecognition - {BEST PAPER AWARD}},
    Month = {June},
    Owner = {root},
    Pdf = {},
    Timestamp = {2007.06.26},
    Title = {{R}obust {L}ocal {F}eatures and their {A}pplication in {S}elf-{C}alibration and {O}bject {R}ecognition on {E}mbedded {S}ystems},
    Year = {2007}}
  • [PDF] C. Arth, C. Leistner, and H. Bischof, “Object Reacquisition and Tracking in Large-Scale Smart Camera Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, 2007.
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Christian Leistner and Horst Bischof},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {D}istributed {S}mart {C}ameras},
    Month = {September},
    Owner = {root},
    Pdf = {},
    Timestamp = {2007.06.26},
    Title = {{O}bject {R}eacquisition and {T}racking in {L}arge-{S}cale {S}mart {C}amera {N}etworks},
    Year = {2007}}
  • [PDF] C. Arth, F. Limberger, and H. Bischof, “Real-Time License Plate Recognition on an Embedded DSP-Platform,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision , IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2007.
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Florian Limberger and Horst Bischof},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd {W}orkshop on {E}mbedded {C}omputer {V}ision , {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}omputer {V}ision and {P}attern {R}ecognition},
    Month = {June},
    Owner = {root},
    Pdf = {},
    Timestamp = {2007.06.26},
    Title = {{R}eal-{T}ime {L}icense {P}late {R}ecognition on an {E}mbedded {DSP}-{P}latform},
    Year = {2007}}
  • [PDF] M. Donoser, C. Arth, and H. Bischof, “Detecting, Tracking and Recognizing License Plates,” in Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2007, pp. 447-456.
    Author = {Michael Donoser and Clemens Arth and Horst Bischof},
    Booktitle = ACCV,
    Month = {November},
    Owner = {root},
    Pages = {447-456},
    Pdf = {},
    Timestamp = {2007.06.26},
    Title = {{D}etecting, {T}racking and {R}ecognizing {L}icense {P}lates},
    Volume = {II},
    Year = {2007}}
  • [PDF] S. Ober, M. Winter, C. Arth, and H. Bischof, “Dual-Layer Visual Vocabulary Tree Hypotheses For Object Recognition,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’07), 2007, p. 345–348.
    Author = {Sandra Ober and Martin Winter and Clemens Arth and Horst Bischof},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}mage {P}rocessing ({ICIP}'07)},
    Month = {September},
    Owner = {root},
    Pages = {345--348},
    Pdf = {},
    Timestamp = {2007.06.26},
    Title = {Dual-Layer Visual Vocabulary Tree Hypotheses For Object Recognition},
    Volume = {VI},
    Year = {2007}}
  • [PDF] M. Winter, S. Ober, C. Arth, and H. Bischof, “Vocabulary Tree Hypotheses and Co-Occurrences,” in Proceedings of the 12th Computer Vision Winter Workshop (CVWW’07) – BEST PAPER AWARD, 2007.
    Author = {Martin Winter and Sandra Ober and Clemens Arth and Horst Bischof},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th {C}omputer {V}ision {W}inter {W}orkshop ({CVWW}'07) - {BEST PAPER AWARD}},
    Month = {February},
    Owner = {root},
    Pdf = { Tree Hypotheses and Co-Occurences.pdf},
    Timestamp = {2007.06.26},
    Title = {{V}ocabulary {T}ree {H}ypotheses and {C}o-{O}ccurrences},
    Year = {2007}}


  • [PDF] C. Arth, C. Leistner, and H. Bischof, “TRICam – An Embedded Platform For Remote Traffic Surveillance,” in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision , IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2006.
    Author = {Clemens Arth and Christian Leistner and Horst Bischof},
    Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd {W}orkshop on {E}mbedded {C}omputer {V}ision , {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}omputer {V}ision and {P}attern {R}ecognition},
    Month = {June},
    Owner = {root},
    Pdf = {},
    Timestamp = {2006.04.29},
    Title = {{TRIC}am - {A}n {E}mbedded {P}latform {F}or {R}emote {T}raffic {S}urveillance},
    Year = {2006}}
  • M. Rouxel, C. Arth, and A. Kroepfl, “Real-Time Detection on the TRICam, an Intelligent Camera DSP-based for Efficient Video Surveillance of Remote Locations,” in presented at EDERS (European DSP Education and Research Symposium), Texas Instruments, 2006.
    Author = {Morgane Rouxel and Clemens Arth and Andreas Kroepfl},
    Booktitle = {presented at {EDERS} ({E}uropean {DSP} {E}ducation and {R}esearch {S}ymposium), {T}exas {I}nstruments},
    Month = {April},
    Owner = {root},
    Timestamp = {2006.04.29},
    Title = {{R}eal-{T}ime {D}etection on the {TRIC}am, an {I}ntelligent {C}amera {DSP}-based for {E}fficient {V}ideo {S}urveillance of {R}emote {L}ocations},
    Year = {2006}}


  • [PDF] C. Arth, “Vehicle Classification using the ADA-Boost Algorithm,” Master Thesis, 2004.
    Author = {Clemens Arth},
    Owner = {root},
    Pdf = {},
    School = {Graz University of Technology},
    Timestamp = {2006.04.29},
    Title = {Vehicle {C}lassification using the {ADA}-{B}oost {A}lgorithm},
    Year = {2004}}